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basic autocad

Training Basic AutoCAD Drafter

Rp 1.500.000


Kamu punya cita-cita ingin menjadi drafter professional? Ingin praktek software drafter dengan didampingi mentor professional di kelas? Ingin punya sertifikasi drafter dari lembaga terpercaya?

Kabar baik untuk Anda, telah dibuka training Basic AutoCAD Drafter Batch Mei 2022 yang bisa dipilih dalam kelas online dan offline.

Setelah mengikuti pelatihan, peserta dapat mengoperasikan AutoCAD versi terbaru dengan pengetahuan yang cukup sebagai drafter pemula serta memahami dan mempraktikkan dasar-dasar drafting. Serta siap menghadapi dunia kerja sebagai drafter pemula.

Kelas dilakukan sebanyak 10 kali pertemuan weekday dan 5 kali pertemuan weekend dengan mentor professional.

Pengenalan AutoCAD
Perintah Drawing
Perintah Modify
Drafting work setting
Sistem koordinat AutoCAD
Perintah Preference (Tampilan)
Perintah Text
Layer & Properties
Perintah Dimension
Page setup manger & Plot/Print

Materi training
Ruang kelas
Mentor professional
Mendapatkan 2 Sertifikat (Recare*, Autodesk**) *Diadakan tes akhir & tes praktik, **sertifikat kesertaan

Kelas online dilakukan live via zoom
Kelas offline: Gedung Graha RE 2. PT Rekayasa Cakrawala Resources (Jl Kalibata Timur I No.36, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12740)

Revit Basic (Architecture)



We provide the training to relate the customer and industrial need so our graduates have a great skill and special ability to complete the project jobs according to their specific field of work, and they can compete with others confidently. This training course is advance training after AutoCAD Basic Training Course for who want to improve or to get the skill as Architecture drafter

AutoCAD Piping Drafter



We provide the training to relate the customer and industrial need so our graduates have a great skill and special ability to complete the project jobs according to their specific field of work, and they can compete with others confidently. This training course is advance training after AutoCAD Basic Training Course for who want to improve or to get the skill as piping drafter.

AutoCAD Plant 3D (P&ID) Basic



Autocad plan 3D is good trend today and we provide training course for this CAD software. This course is Fundamental where the trainee need a fundamental skill for design a piping route using Autocad lant 3D. Even though this course called Fundamental but the trainee need to get first Autocad basic skill and knowledge in piping design.

AutoCAD Civil Drafter



We provide the training to relate the customer and industrial need so our graduates have a great skill and special ability to complete the project jobs according to their specific field of work, and they can compete with others confidently. This training course is advance training after AutoCAD Basic Training Course for who want to improve or to get the skill as civil drafter.

AutoCAD Electrical Drafter



We provide the training to relate the customer and industrial need so our graduates have a great skill and special ability to complete the project jobs according to their specific field of work, and they can compete with others confidently. This training course is advance training after AutoCAD Basic Training Course for who want to improve or to get the skill as electrical drafter.